Jet X Mobile App | Credentialed New York Jets Content

Download the App

Download the Jet X Mobile App to access every piece of Jets X-Factor content with real-time and customizable notifications.

Join over 20,000 other New York Jets fans by downloading Jets X-Factor’s mobile app from either the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).

Click the device-appropriate App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android) logo to download Jet X Mobile:

Apple App Store
Google Play Store

The video below details the Jet X Mobile and troubleshooting steps for any trouble that may arise:


Normally, when an internet user signs into a website (whether it’s Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.), there’s a maximum period of time the user can remain logged in. The same can be said for the Jet X Mobile app, as when an article is being viewed, you, as the user, will have to be logged in to view the articles.

To view your current logged-in/logged-out status on the app or the website, simply click the menu in the upper-left-hand corner of the article page.

However, the website (webview) version needs to communicate with the actual Jet X Mobile app, which operates with the App Store and Google Play. This mobile app also has a profile system that syncs with the website/webview part of the process.

For many reasons, communication between the two logins can become fouled up.

Signs that something is wrong:

—If you notice that the website/webview (reading an article through the mobile app) is asking you to sign in every time you read an article.

—If you remain logged in on the mobile app side of things despite NOT being logged in on the website/webview (actual website when reading an article).

You need to LOG OUT of your profile on the MOBILE APP to fix the sync issue.

Troubleshooting steps:

1. Locate the login/logout part of the app (not the website/webview that’s viewed through the app).

APP LOGIN/LOGOUT (top left of menu):

Jet X Mobile Troubleshooting
Jet X Mobile Troubleshooting

2. Sign out, close the app, open the app, and log back in. (You can even log back in from the website/webview part, and all will be well.) You should be fine from there on out. 

Remember, you need to do that from the MOBILE APP login, NOT the website login that’s viewed through the app (webview), which looks like this:


Jet X Mobile Troubleshooting
Jet X Mobile Troubleshooting

Email robby.sabo[at] for any further questions or technical support.

If you’re a paid member and you’re experiencing problems when trying to comment on an article, ensure that you log in to your account through the web view (website) section rather than the mobile app section.

For instance, below is a screenshot of the app section of the login and profile functions:

Jet X Mobile Troubleshooting
Jet X Mobile Troubleshooting

If you’re experiencing issues when trying to comment, log out, then log back in with the web view part (which is basically the actual website):

Jet X Mobile Troubleshooting
Jet X Mobile Troubleshooting

Once you log in this way, it will sync with the app login section, and you will experience no problems when commenting as a paid member.