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Jets WR Breshad Perriman tape with Marcus Coleman | Blewett’s Blitz Film Review

Breshad Perriman
Jet X Graphic, Getty Images

Joe Blewett takes a deep film review dive into New York Jets wide receiver Breshad Perriman in the newest edition of Blewett’s Blitz.

Out is Robby Anderson. In is Breshad Perriman. The first tremendously emotional loss of this free-agency period has hit New York Jets fans and they’re left wondering, “What just happened?”

Anderson, the burner, was shockingly not re-signed by the Jets despite his stunningly lower contract terms: two years, $20 million. They instead opted for the younger Perriman who, while he can do things Anderson can’t (Anderson does things better than Perriman as well), is tough to trust over the course of a season (thanks to his NFL history).

Blewett’s Blitz takes a deep dive into the newest Jets weapon.

***The video comes first with Blewett’s text snippet to follow. Only SUBSCRIBERS can view the entire article (over 40 plays).

***The FULL YouTube video (for subscribers) and Podcast episodes are at the bottom of this article and on the Blewett’s Blitz homepage

While Perriman (bottom of the screen) offers some good aspects of his route-running, he is also inconsistent and can improve other areas. Here, he comes off of the snap with a speed release, getting his shoulders down and selling a vertical to the CB who is off-man coverage.

Perriman runs a 12-14 yard curl, but doesn’t commit to his break. Notice how he is leaning back into his break when the right move is to have his chest over his toes (committing to the break). This leads to him taking more “gather steps” than he needs and his hips not getting out of the break quickly.

Perriman (bottom) runs a short inn on 3rd and 5. I would like to Perriman get a little more depth before his break but he tries to sit in the soft spot (underneath the QB and before the LBs). Jameis Winston throws it far in front and Perriman plucks the ball away out his frame while diving. Body control plus hands on full display here.

Perriman (top) runs a post vs off-man coverage. There are multiple aspects of this route that make it an overall bad route. While, initially, Perriman stems towards the CB with inside leverage and then flattens out, which opens the CB’s hips outside, there is much more work he could have put forward.

The top of the break (where he breaks inside) was ugly. He could’ve used a “bam” or “rocker” step to manipulate the corner more, giving himself an easier break. He also cuts off of his inside foot making for a rounded route break. Add in that he isn’t ready for the punch of the corner’s right hand, which allows the CB to get back on the route.

Perriman (No. 1 up top after motion) runs a post vs off-man coverage. The CB has outside leverage and works to maintain that. Perriman stems towards him to get on his toes (make him uncomfortable).

Perriman closes ground and short strides him/breaks down and the CB guesses wrong. Perriman cuts inside on his post with plenty of room if the QB hits him out of the break.

Another display of not so crisp route running from Perriman on this short inn-route. Perriman releases off of the line of scrimmage and stems at the corner before getting into his break. Perriman attempts to take a two-step break which is the correct break to take but it isn’t sharp.

Perriman’s third step is his stop or brake step but he doesn’t sink his hips into it and it isn’t far enough in front of his body. After his stop-step, he throws his right foot slightly outside of his frame as his break step but its a little too shallow and not paired with an “elbow jam” from his left arm.

This all leads to Perriman’s route being rounded at the break. After the break, Perriman needs to “flatten the route,” which would involve him working at a flat angle or even an angle towards the QB to attack the ball and/or make it an easier throw. Winston puts the ball in a bad spot regardless, but Perriman didn’t help him out on this rep.

Perriman (No. 2 on bottom) runs a corner route as a part of the smash concept against a squat man defender (defending the goal line). Perriman stems upfield and as he closes ground, the CB + clears the level of the CB to his outside.

On the third step out of his break, he uses a stutter step that acts as both a break and a way to cover less ground on the CB to stay away from his hands. Out of his break, he places his left hand onto the shoulder of the CB to create distance and gets his eyes out of the break quickly.

Perriman has room to the corner pylon but the QB doesn’t hit him.

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