Jet X Careers | Create New York Jets Content

If you are interested in joining the team as a writer, podcaster, video host, producer, or other position, please fill out the following submission. Keep in mind, however, that the qualifications will be tough, and the approval process should be lengthy.

Whether it’s written copy, editing, web development, graphic design, podcasting, video production, social media, or any other skill, Jets X-Factor considers all possibilities.

The following skills are considered:

  • Written copy
  • Editing
  • Graphic design
  • Video production
  • Social media
  • Podcast production
  • Audio talent/personality
  • Webmaster skills
  • SEO expertise

In addition, partnerships are also a consideration at all times.

Jet X Careers Application

    Your Full Name:

    Your Email:

    Referral, if Any:

    Position Seeking (What you're looking to do):

    Level of Jets/Football expertise:

    A Little About Yourself:

    Something About Yourself Nobody Knows or Understands From a Distance:

    How Often You Would Contribute:

    Experience in Sports Media Industry:

    Title of Story OR Podcast or Video Show:

    Body of Story OR URL of Podcast or Video Show (You also may attach your story and/or resume while writing "attached" in the field or provide URL to an example.):

    ***EMAIL robby.sabo[at] if form submission doesn't work or if any media (images, video, etc.) or attachments (resume, written samples, etc.) desire to be communicated. Or, use the ATTACHMENT option below: